Chapter VI-21. When knowing the infinite happiness that can be grasped by the buddhi (pure intellect) transcending the senses, established wherein the Yogi never moves from this reality.
The joy from meditation continues unbroken throughout the day. The input comes from the pure center that delights in this God presence and sustains the Yogi in the Universal reality.
Chapter VI-22. When having obtained thinking that there is nothing greater to gain than that, wherein established one is not moved even by heavy sorrow.
For one who aspires to God, the miracle of God provides all love , all support and all comfort. Quoting from a Quaker hymn, "no storm can shake my inmost calm when to that rock I'm clinging for God is Lord of heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing."
Chapter VI-23 Let that be know by the name of Yoga, the severance of the union with pain (grief). This Yoga should be practiced with determination and with an undesponding mind.
Those who are established in Yoga may experience troubles and pains, but the center of their being is not touched. Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and/or Jnana Yoga must be continued with determination, overcoming obstacles and doubts on the way. The path itself gives solace in a troubled world and will make us resilient. A preceptor, spiritual community, friend or mentor is necessary to provide support during times of the "dark nights of the soul."
Chapter VI-27. Composed in mind, this Yogi with passion quieted, free from sin, having become Brahman (the Light, Absolute) attains to Supreme Bliss.
Our delusion about our individuality and separateness creates passion and action as we try to connect with something outside ourselves. Our mind flits from one project, one desire to another. Our sin is all this which we think or do which fosters this delusion of separation. Once we can compose the mind, our passion and activity cease like a calm sea after the wind has passed. We recognize our true identity with the Supreme and in that completion there is nothing but happiness. Anxiety, fear, grief and sorrow have no reality.
Chapter VI-28. Always concentrating his mind in the Self, the Yogi, freed from sin, easily enjoys the infinite bliss that comes from contact with the Eternal.
Our sources of unhappiness are thoughts about what we don't possess, whether it be material or psychological like attention, power, success, etc. If the bedrock of the mind is a steady stream of concentration on the Self, the Eternal Divine experienced within, then how can there is anything but bliss from the ineffable That. The root of sin is desire. When the mind is concentrated in the Self there is no space for Desire.
Chapter VI-29. One whose self is harmonized through Yoga, sees the Self abiding in all beings and all being in the Self, everywhere is equally seen.
The self includes all of the aspects that we usually think of when we think of the word ME: the body, perceptions, mind, intellect, actions, and ego. Yoga is the process of recognizing, realizing our indivisibility, non-separateness from the Self (the Universal, Unchanging Reality). It is experiencing what we thought was our unique vibration as really part of the universal song.
Chapter VI-31. One who is established in unity adores Me abiding in all beings; that Yogi dwells in me in any condition in which he may be living.
God wants our continued recognition of the Universal Presence. We can have that no matter where we go or what we do if we remain in perpetual Worship and Remembrance of the All-pervading divine. Our liberation is dropping the illusion of separateness of beings and events.